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Sports Rehabilitation

Be Your Best Athlete: Stay Injury-Free with Sports Therapy

At Dabbs Fitness, we believe a resilient athlete is a successful athlete. That’s why we offer comprehensive sports therapy services to keep you performing at your peak.


Whether you need a quick tune-up to loosen those tight calves or a personalised rehab program to recover from a sports injury, our expert therapists are here to guide you.

Here’s how we can help

Prevent Injuries

Reduce your risk of muscle strains, joint pain, and overuse injuries with targeted sports massage and movement assessments.

Maximize recovery

Speed up your healing process after an injury with personalized rehab programs that get you back to the activities you love.

Enhance performance

Improve your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength to push your limits and achieve your fitness goals.

Don’t let injuries sideline you. Our sports therapy services are the perfect complement to your existing training program at Dabbs Fitness.

Book Sports

£45/ 20 minutes
£100/ 50 minutes
sports massage

Enquire assessment
Injury and rehab training

We offer both assessments and ongoing rehab focused strength and conditioning.